Chocolate is Good For You: 7 Health Benefits of Eating Chocolate

Written by: Ross Chocolates

August 2, 2018

For many years, chocolate was considered a “bad” food because of its high levels of saturated fat and sugar. However, in the 1990’s several studies revealed that chocolate had many positive benefits and including it in one’s diet was recommended because of the many health benefits observed with its consumption. While the sugars in it continue to raise concerns (except when eating Ross Sugar Free Chocolate, of course), the saturated fat in chocolate didn’t cause negative health impacts created by saturated fats in other foods (like some meats, baked goods, cheeses, and convenience foods).

Subsequent research continues to support the inclusion of a moderate amount of chocolate in our daily diets.

What are the Benefits of Eating Chocolate?

A. Chocolate Promotes steady energy

Despite the small amount of caffeine found in chocolate, it is theobromine – not caffeine – that provides the energy boost associate with chocolate. Theobromine is the primary alkaloid found in cocoa, which is the main component of chocolate—particularly dark chocolate. Theobromine promotes energy in the body without affecting the central nervous system, which produces a gentle, pleasant, long-lasting energy that doesn’t lead to sleeplessness.[1]

B.  Chocolate Improves cognitive function

The theobromine and the bit of caffeine in chocolate provides a quick fix to improve periods of low cognitive function. So, a piece of chocolate when your energy and mind start to wander can help you stay focussed and on task.

Studies have also shown that over the long term, chocolate can help improve cognitive functions for the elderly and those suffering with Alzheimer’s disease.[2]

C.  Chocolate Improves athletic performance

Studies show that eating a small amount of chocolate before physical exercise improves the body’s use of oxygen, which improves results in athletic performance.[3]

D.  Chocolate is a Good source of antioxidants

Based on studies, raw cocoa beans are one of the best foods in general and are the best fruit for fighting free radicals, even better than blueberries and the acai berry.[4]Thus, because cocoa beans comprise the bulk of chocolate’s mass, chocolate contains many antioxidants.

E.  Chocolate Improves cholesterol levels

Due to its antioxidant qualities, consuming chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, results in a decrease in bad cholesterol (LDL) and an increase in good cholesterol (HDL). Eating one square of chocolate a day can significantly affect your LDL cholesterol levels.

F.  Chocolate Reduces the risk of heart disease

Pile of cocoa beans

Studies have shown that moderate consumption of cocoa and/or chocolate reduces the risk of heart disease by more than one-third.[5]

G.  Chocolate Reduces the risk of stroke

Like heart disease, the positive affect that chocolate consumption has on blood pressure and cholesterol levels has a positive impact on the risk of stroke. Studies have found that moderate consumption of chocolate reduces the occurrence of strokes by up to 27%.

What is Moderate Consumption?

It is worth noting that every study involved participants consuming a specific amount of chocolate either daily or weekly, but the amounts are generalized to “a moderate” amount of chocolate.

The amounts used in the studies ranged from two ounces a week to two “squares” daily. Definitions of the size of a “square” were not always supplied in the studies reviewed for this article. One or two specified a “square” as being equivalent to 1 ounce (28.35 grams) of chocolate while others were less specific.

Thus, a moderate amount was reported as being from 0.29 oz. (8.1 grams) to 2 oz. (56.7 grams) a day. In terms of Ross Chocolate bars, that is a range from one-quarter of a bar (about two “squares”) to almost 1 and two-third bars a day. In terms of our minis, that’s a range of 1 and one-third mini to 9 and one-third minis a day.

Because our chocolate is Sugar Free (No Sugar Added), is lower in fat than many other chocolates, and is high in fibre, it is better for you (particularly your blood sugars) than regular chocolate. However, we urge you to be thoughtful when determining what a moderate amount of chocolate is for you.

[1] Asprey, D. November 10, 2014. Is Chocolate Good For You? The Health Benefits of Chocolate. Retrieved on July 15, 2018 from

[2] Nordqvist, J. July 17, 2018. Health Benefits and Risks of Chocolate. Retrieved on July 20, 2018 from

[3] Ibid.

[4] 7 Proven Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate. Retrieved in August 2, 2018 from

[5] Laino, C. Chocolate Good for the Heart. Retrieved on August 2, 2018 from

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